The David Ross Education Trust

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Humberston Academy

Humberston is an outstanding academy proud of our exceptionally high standards and traditional ethos. We offer a diverse enrichment programme in order to develop skills outside of the classroom.


In-year admissions are now processed through the Academy.

Please contact us on 01472 319990 in the first instance to enquire about available places.

If you are a year 6 parent, please visit the council website to apply for your secondary place

If it is an in-year application, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page and send in to the Academy.

If you have any queries regarding the information, then please contact the academy and we will be happy to advise you. If the number of applications for places at Humberston Academy is higher than the Published Admission Number (PAN), applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where the school is named in part 4 of the statement/recorded in the plan, we will use the following factors, in priority order, to decide which children will be given places. (In addition, please note that we will always give priority to those who have actually applied for places over those who fulfil any of the criteria but have not actually made an application.)

Our PAN for each year group for 2023-24 academic year is:

Year 7: 180

Year 8: 180

Year 9: 190

Year 10: 180

Year 11: 183

Oversubscription criteria for admission to Humberston Academy:

1) Looked after children (children in public care) or a child who was previously looked after
2) Sibling: Having brothers or sisters who are currently at the school when your child is due to start there.
3) Living in the catchment area.
4) Children of Academy employees.
5) Children currently attending a primary school that is a named feeder school.
6) Distance.

Criteria 6 is also used as a tie-breaker. Whenever two children have the same priority based on criteria 3 or 4, for example, then the child who lives closest to the school will be given the higher priority.

We will give priority to those living nearest to the Academy (if there is more than one route, the distance measured is the shortest available safe route for pedestrians), from the front door of the child's home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the Academy, using the Local Authority's computerised measuring system. You can contact the Local Authority's Schools Admissions Team for more advice.


Where the Academy (PAN) is oversubscribed the order laid out in the waiting list will apply.

In-Year Admissions and Appeals

For in-year admissions, please fill out the in-year admissions form at the bottom of this page and send the application in to the Academy. You will receive the outcome of your application within 10 days.  Should you apply for a place for your child and be refused, you have the right to appeal this decision. To appeal, you should contact the Legal Services team at the LA to organise your appeal which will be heard by an independent appeals panel.

School admission appeals - NELC | NELC (

Once your in-year appeal has been heard, parents are to contact the School Admissions team for the decision, which cannot be changed.

Year 7 Waiting List

If your child is refused admission to Humberston Academy, your child's name will be placed on the Academy's waiting list.

This list is based on the published admission criteria and all children are kept on that list in order of the criteria for at least the first term of the academic year.

Fair Access Protocol

North East Lincolnshire Local Authority has a Fair Access Protocol.

The Fair Access Protocol ensures that unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school or educational provision as quickly as possible. This includes admitting children above the Published Admission Number (PAN) to schools that are already full.

Guidance to applying for a place at Humberston Academy  

Guidance for parents from other countries applying for a place at Humberston Academy. 

Please see below the link for additional information:

Please click to see

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