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Humberston Academy

Humberston is an outstanding academy proud of our exceptionally high standards and traditional ethos. We offer a diverse enrichment programme in order to develop skills outside of the classroom.

Careers Guidance & Post 16

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Aims of Careers Provision 

Our CEIAG (Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) provision is designed to allow our students to make informed decisions when considering their opportunities and life after Humberston Academy. We aim to develop students’ knowledge, understanding and confidence to enable them to make educated and well-informed choices in relation to further education and work based learning.

Humberston Academy aims to provide quality advice and guidance to all students within the Academy and aims to inspire and motivate students when planning their next stage of education. This includes supporting our students as they select GCSE options, enabling them to make knowledgeable  and informed decisions for their post-16 choices following year 11.

We ensure that all students cover a range of topics across all year groups and are given exposure to a range of different colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and those in the world of work to give students an overview of the opportunities available to them, giving them real life experiences.

 Provider Access Statement 

provider access statement hum april 24 update.pdf

Quality in Careers Standard

Humberston Academy is committed to work towards meeting the Quality in Careers standard incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks.

humberston academy certificate of commitment.pdf


All year 11 students receive a 1:1 careers guidance interview by a level 6 qualified practitioner to further their career and discuss the options open to them. External, independent and impartial careers services are invited to attend exam and parent evenings to offer advice to both students and parents. Additional support for identified vulnerable students is given through the local authority, YPSS.

Measuring Impact of CEIAG

Our CEIAG Coordinator is part of the Senior Leadership Team and reports to the entire Senior Leadership Team on a termly basis regarding the effectiveness and impact of the CEIAG provision. We use ‘Compass’ – the careers benchmark tool as outlined in the Gatsby Benchmarks to assess and improve our CEIAG provision. Our progress is reviewed regularly throughout the academic year to ensure that we meet all 8 Gatsby benchmarks. We will monitor the impact of our action plan and the CEIAG we deliver mainly through feedback from students, staff, employers and parents.

Partners and Employers

All local colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers are invited in to speak to our students and parents through different events throughout the academic year. We are proud to be a part of the ‘Shine’ Project with the University of York in which a selection of students in each year group involved have the opportunity to visit and work with the university to drive aspirations of applying to university.

Our Enterprise Adviser works at DFDS and our link governor for CEIAG provision is Emma Swinburn from Franklin College. Both are valuable members of the careers team at Humberston Academy, offering impartial and important advice to ensure all events and provision is fit for purpose.

At Humberston Academy, we are keen to work with the local community and prospective employers to set our students up for success when entering the working world. This also aids in engaging young people, adding value to their school life and building on social skills.

We welcome contact from the local community and employers and are happy to discuss any concepts or activities that would help us to increase engagement between students and employers.


All new and existing members of staff to Humberston Academy are given training each academic year on the current changes to careers provision along with sharing strategies on ensuring CEIAG provision within the curriculum; ensuring careers within the curriculum is routine. This includes trips/visits each academic year for individual departments to widen student experiences within different areas, careers strand through our tutor programme along with our ‘Careers of the Half Term’ strategy, linking subjects to different sectors; providing vital information on different avenues students can take,

Student Entitlement

Student Entitlement Provision 

humberston academy careers structure 2021.pdf




Parents will receive a ‘Careers Newsletter’ each term to inform them of the upcoming events for their child.

Due to legislation from September 2013, all students have to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they are 18. Once they have completed Year 11, students are able to choose from the following:

  • Full time education (at a school, sixth form or college e.g. A Levels or Vocational Qualifications)
  • An apprenticeship or Traineeship
  • Part-time education or training combined with one of the following:
    • ? Employment or self-employment for a minimum of 20 hours a week
    • ? Volunteering for a minimum of 20 hours a week

Careers Leader

Year 11 students can visit to gather more information on how to apply for college and/or an apprenticeship.

If you would like more information about careers or employer engagement at Humberston Academy, please contact our Careers Leader.

Our Careers Leader is Mr A Mundell, who can be contacted via email AMundell@humberston or by phone on 01472 319990.

Useful Websites

Twitter for HUA updates - @Humberstoncare1