The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Humberston Academy

Humberston is an outstanding academy proud of our exceptionally high standards and traditional ethos. We offer a diverse enrichment programme in order to develop skills outside of the classroom.


Our Vision

At Humberston Academy, we believe that all students should experience music in school as normal everyday activity, making music through singing, performing and composing, listening to music with increasing understanding, and participating in performances as performers and as audience members. All students should have the opportunity to progress their musical interests and talents, including professionally.  

Our Music Curriculum 

At Humberston Academy we are responsible for developing a rich curriculum, co-curricular and enrichment programme in the line with the expectation of the National Plan for Music Education. 

 Our Music Curriculum


Music Co Curricurricular


Voces Theatri - A choir, joined by audition, exploring all styles of musical theatre 

BoysVox - A choir group just for boys, a safe space to sing as a group of boys of all ages and support through voice changes too 

Voces Uniti - A choir for all, exploring music across different styles of music 

Voces Electi - A small chamber choir (maximum 16 voices), auditioned and exploring advanced music for voices 

Samba Band - A percussion group playing south American style samba music on our bespoke Humberston Samba kit 

Big Band - Jazz Band made up of Saxophones, Trumpets and Trombones along with piano, bass and drums - Discuss with Mr Sleight or Miss Kamis if you are interested in joining. 

Instrumental Music Lessons

If you wish for your child to take instrumental/vocal lessons at Humberston Academy be through teachers contracted by us rather than you having direct contacts with peripatetic staff as was previously the case.

All lessons will be subsidised and the cost to parents/carers is £100 per term (paid via our online system).

Students eligible for Pupil Premium funding will get their lessons paid for from this funding, meaning they are effectively free to you as parents/carers. 

Please use the link below if you would like to sign up your child for Instrumental and Vocal lessons:

Instrumental and Vocal lesson sign up form

Music First

An Academy that embraces music is not just an Academy with a good music department. It is one where the underlying principals of high-quality music-making; of listening, adapting, exploring, persevering, problem-solving, thinking laterally and performing without fear, are seen in every student and teacher


See below links for case study videos for the Music First programme. 

Music First - Case Study

Lighthouse Case Study


 DRET Music Calendar


dret music calendar 2024 25.pdf



The DRET Music Way

the dret music way.pdf


 Music Development Plan


music development plan sept 2024.pdf