Humberston congratulate class of 2019
On the evening of the 6 November 2019 Humberston Academy who are part of the David Ross Education Trust, held there annual rewards evening for the class of 2019. This awards ceremony was held at Lucarly’s in Cleethorpes.
The event was held to celebrate the year 11’s GCSE results. During the evening the students were presented with GCSE certificates, subject awards and sporting awards to recognize their amazing achievements. Along with parents and students there was an inspirational talk from a blogger - Holly Draper about her journey through education and how anything is possible, and your dreams can come true.
Amelia Sutherland, a student from Humberston Academy attended the event and said ‘I thoroughly enjoying the event and it was very inspiring to see the class receive their awards for all their hard work. The speech from Holly Draper inspired me and reminded me that anything is possible’.
Mr Williamson, a teacher at Humberston Academy, and member of the student leadership team who also attended the event said, ‘It was amazing to see the class of 2019 receive their awards and see the pride on their faces when they collected them. Definitely an unforgettable night.’