The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Humberston Academy

Humberston is an outstanding academy proud of our exceptionally high standards and traditional ethos. We offer a diverse enrichment programme in order to develop skills outside of the classroom.

Personal Development

Our Personal Development Curriculum vision:

Our Personal Development Curriculum intent, helps students develop their own character, including mental wellbeing, a sense of purpose and independence, allowing them to become strong, resilient, active adults as global citizens with cultural capital.

Humberston Academy provides our students with a broad range of enrichment opportunities to enable them to develop their individual talents and broaden their character.  We endeavour to remove barriers to participation and ensure an equity of offer for all our students. 

Student development is nurtured and progressively built year on year; capitalising on what students have already experienced. It is our goal to promote and progress life skills and experiences in all our students, which will cultivate our Humberston Academy values, so that our students are thoroughly prepared for life in modern Britain and able to keep themselves safe and healthy. We have a bespoke webpage focus on safeguarding our students with useful information and resources available to support students, parents and carers: Humberston Academy - Safeguarding

Our Personal Development Curriculum provision aims to educate students to be responsible, respectful and active global citizens who are able to be positively and actively involved in public life as adults. We want our students to be aware of current affairs and be diligent in their appetite for challenge and value their Personal Development curriculum. 

Personal Development broadens our students understanding of fundamental British values: democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance.

Our provision:

Our knowledge rich and ambitious PSHE curriculum in contextualised to meet the needs of our students. We have carefully designed the curriculum to ensure key topics are addressed weekly throughout the academic year. We allow flexibility within the curriculum in order to adapt to key trends arising to support students. PSHE lessons are delivered by the tutor who has a strong and positive relationship with their tutees. 

Our daily tutor programme and weekly assemblies allow our Pastoral Teams to provide key information, explore current affairs, include appropriate opportunity for reflection/worship as well as celebrate success and achievements.  This effective time deepens students’ understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance. Our tutors are the first port of call for each member of their tutor groups and this is supported by a dedicated Student Guidance Manager and Head Of Year. 

Humberston Academy facilitate three bespoke whole school Drop Down Days each academic year: Personal Development Day, Careers (Aspirations) Day and Safeguarding and Wellbeing Day. In addition to this, each year group has bespoke Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education which is delivered by an external organisation to provide expertise and sensitivity.  

There are many diverse and wider opportunities on offer for all students, including:

  • - Student Leadership
  • - Enrichment opportunities
  • - An effective and stable Careers Education, Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) programme for all students. Encounters with employers and employees from different industries.
  • - Bespoke Work Experience Placement for all Year 10 students.
  • - Encounters with Further and Higher education settings, including a partnership with York University and their Shine Programme.
  • - Opportunities to share and debate opinions.

Humberston Academy also prides itself of celebrating a variety of National Awareness Days and utilises these opportunities further enhance our students understanding and knowledge in each topic. 

Our Personal Development Curriculum 3 phased programme:

Our Humberston Academy Graduation, Challenge and Competitive Edge ‘programmes’ (launched September 2024) are fundamental to personal and character development of all our students.


Humberston Graduation:

Starting secondary school can be both exciting and daunting for students.  During the first two academic years’ at Humberston Academy our enrichment and personal development curriculum allows all students to grow with confidence and resilience, whilst establishing the Humberston CHARM.  This programme also has an objective on embedding our core focus of strong attendance, positive attitude to learning and accumulating reward points. All students will graduate but there is a tiered approach, including with Honours. There will also be nominations for key awards, which are celebrated with all stakeholders at our annual graduation event. 

Humberston Challenge:

Year 9 is an important time for all students, building on the foundations from Key Stage 3, linking to the GCSE curriculum through selecting their option subjects.  Humberston Academy provides students’ 50 diverse challenges to achieve before the end of Year 9, all of which were chosen by our student leadership team and focus on developing several attributes such as promoting wellbeing, becoming more independent and gaining valuable skills.  Part of this key academic year, all students will have the opportunity to access to the Duke of Edinburgh Award. 

Humberston Gaining the Competitive Edge:

From the foundations of our Key Stage 3 Personal Development Curriculum.  At the beginning of Key Stage 4 (Year 10), students will begin to increase their focus on ‘life beyond Humberston’ and being prepared for a success future. This includes preparation for their public examinations and employment. Year 10 & 11 students at Humberston Academy receive bespoke 1:1 impartial careers advice, raising their aspirations, participate in interview practice, CV writing, benefit from a personalised work experience placement as well as future plan by competing their Lincs 2 application & exploring viable next steps including university and apprenticeships.  Throughout all 5 years’ at Humberston Academy, all students have plentiful encounters with further & higher education establishments plus employers and employees from diverse industries.

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