The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Humberston Academy

Humberston is an outstanding academy proud of our exceptionally high standards and traditional ethos. We offer a diverse enrichment programme in order to develop skills outside of the classroom.


Pupils are expected to dress appropriately for work, following the Academy dress code and for health and safety at all times.

The Humberston Academy uniform is:

• Plain white shirt or blouse. (top button fastened and tucked in)

• Academy tie (displaying 4 stripes).

• Black blazer with Academy logo badge.

• Plain black tailored trousers.

• Plain black knee length skirt (below knee length) – must be worn with black tights.

• Shoes: sensible, low healed, plain black, polishable shoes.

• Humberston Academy rucksack.

• Plain black belt (optional).

• Socks – black or grey.


• An Academy blazer must be worn when students are arriving at the Academy, as well as when moving to and from lessons.

• The House badge should be positioned below the Humberston Academy badge on the left pocket.

Trousers and Skirts

• Trousers must be plain black and tailored.

• No tight-fitting or stretch material skirts or trousers.

• No cropped trousers or jean/jean style material.

• Skirts must be below knee length.

• Skirts must be worn with black tights for safeguarding reasons.

• No large belt buckles or studded/patterned belts are allowed.


  • Must be sensible, low healed, plain black and polishable.
  • No plimsolls, trainers, canvas shoes, black “trainer style” or plastic footwear.
  • No leather versions of branded fashion shoes.
  • No boots.


• Must be plain (not patterned) with no large or inappropriate logos.

• No sports jackets, jumpers or ‘hoodies’

• No leather/denim jackets or sweatshirt material coats.

• No baseball caps

• Coats must be worn over the Academy blazer and not instead of.

Jewellery and Make up

  • The only jewellery allowed is a wristwatch (no electronic or smart watches allowed) and one small stud per ear.
  • No nose/eyebrow/tongue or any other form of body piercing are allowed due to health
    and safety reasons.
  • No face or body jewellery/accessories are allowed.
  • Subtle make up only.
  • No nail varnish or acrylic/false/gel nails are allowed due to health and safety reasons.
  • No tattoos or temporary tattoos.
  • No false or lash extensions


  • Long hair is to be tied back in practical lessons or when directed by staff.
  • All hair must be of a natural colour.
  • No extreme, vivid or two-tone colours, shorter than a number 1 razor setting.
  • No patterns cut into hair, no extensions that do not match natural hair colours and no
    beaded braids.
  • No beards or moustaches or sideburns below the earlobe.

Confiscated Items

If your child is found with inappropriate jewellery or any forbidden items (examples: mobile phone, glass bottle, aerosols, smart watches, any electronic device, chewing gum) they will be confiscated and stored at Reception, awaiting parent/carer collection. The student will also be issued with a C3 detention, prior to the escalation of the behaviour policy.

Rewards and Sanctions

Students who are impeccably dressed and uphold uniform expectations every day, will be awarded with House points on a termly basis.

Students who do not adhere to the Uniform Policy will be placed in Internal Exclusion until their uniform is rectified. However, in line with our warm:strict approach, we wish to support and lend uniform wherever possible to ensure students are in normal lessons. Students may find themselves on uniform report if they do not uphold the Academy’s uniform expectations.

Physical Education and Games Kit

Boys & Girls

• Humberston Academy red polo top

• Black shorts

• Plain red football socks

• Shin pads (for hockey and football)

• Training shoes (not plimsolls)

• Football boots (if performing football / rugby / cross country. We have a new 3G pitch which will be available for use from November 2023. Students will only be able to access the pitch with boots from the recommended and allowed sections below.

• Black waterproof jacket.

• Plain black tracksuit bottoms


3G Pitch:



Note: All jewellery must be removed, and hair must be tied back in all practical lessons. Plain black leggings may be worn with black shorts. Plain black under armour may be worn in cold weather. For rugby and hockey, it is strongly advised students wear a gumshield

LOST KIT: Students who have lost their PE kit will be more likely to have their kit returned if it has been labelled, at the very least using a permanent marker in two or three different locations on the inside of each item of kit. We strongly encourage parents / carers to make sure their child’s kit is identifiable as we recognise the financial cost of continually having to replace lost items of clothing.


THE CORE CURRICULUM: Over their time at Humberston all students will be given the chance to learn a wide range of sports. Sometimes these sports will be exciting for students who have previous experience or have been looking forward to the opportunity to try out something new, and at other times these sports may seem daunting for students due to the element of the unknown or negative perceptions. How each child in a class will feel when approaching a new activity will vary from student to student, and whilst we understand that at times children will be anxious, all we ask as a team is that each individual does the best that they can do. Usually when a student leaves a PE lesson knowing they tried their hardest, they leave with positive emotions regardless of them being a novice or expert in an activity. Ensuring every student leaves Humberston having had the opportunity to try out a range of activities means that we also do not ‘stereotype’ sports, so yes, boys will learn gymnastics and dance, and girls will learn football and rugby. For many this will not seem at all revolutionary, though for some learning a new sport they have not considered trying before will come as a shock. We make sure that when approaching these situations, PE lessons are pitched at the appropriate level and is centred around a safe environment for children to explore new activities.


To order your PE kit for Humberston Academy, please use this link:

Humberston Academy PE Uniform Shop

Uniform Documents

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